Search Process

Through each step of the search process, HCI provides steady counsel and skilled assistance in finding, selecting and hiring the ideal candidate for your position. We guide both candidate and company through even the most complex search process in the most efficient and timely manner.

Introductory Consultation

Before accepting an assignment with a new client, we gain a thorough understanding of your company, your culture and the details of the position. By asking key questions and listening to your answers, we provide a complete analysis of your needs, including:

  • Organizational Structure
  • Position Requirements
  • Time Frames
  • Salary Range
  • Benefit Programs
  • Budgets

Development of Position Specifications

One of the most critical steps is creating the proper position specifications to use in the recruiting process. We ask in-depth questions to find out what the job really entails, going beyond tasks identified in the job description. Developing position specifications include:

  • Position Parameters
  • Background Requirements
  • Future/Existing Opportunities
  • Soft Skills

Identification, Screening and Interviewing of Prospective Candidates

Our specialized search concept allows a much wider scan of potential executive candidates including professionals who may not be considering a career move or who are not actively looking. Additionally, our years of experience allow us to screen candidates more accurately to fit your criteria. Evaluations are made on:

  • Qualification
  • Level of Interest
  • Motivation
  • Personal Compatibility with Organization

Introduction of Candidates to Client

Executive candidates identified in our interview process are then presented
to clients in writing. We also provide relevant search information to further assist in your hiring process. Written candidate information includes:

  • Personal Background
  • Current Position Responsibilities
  • Accomplishments
  • Career History
  • Experience
  • Assessment of Individual’s Qualifications

Interviewing of Candidates by Client

HCI arranges interviews between clients and selected candidates. After initial interviews, we provide thorough and effective feedback to both parties to gauge interest on each end. By providing this important information, we help determine if candidate and company are a suitable “match.” Upon request, the client’s confidentiality can be maintained.

Reference Check

HCI verifies information gathered during the interview process by contacting qualified individuals to comment on the candidate’s background, accomplishments, personality and technical competence. References will be provided to the client.


Upon request, HCI can act as a third party to assist in negotiations and final arrangements. This includes working with the candidate to determine start dates, cover counter offers and handle other issues to ensure a seamless transition to the candidate joining your company.